Jumat, 08 April 2011


Someone said, “Beside being good at stealing money, Gayus Tambunan is apparently very good at being sorry. However, he is fucking moron at disguising.” (Seseorang bilang, “Disamping pintar mencuri uang, Gayus tampaknya (juga) sangat pintar berlagak menyesal. Namun demikian, dia sangat bodoh dalam menyamar.”)

Benarkah kalau di kalimat ini digunakan beside? Bukannya besides? Bingung kan?

Yeah, kedua kata ini sering membingungkan karena katanya yang mirip dan karena dua-duanya sering diterjemahkan menjadi “di samping”, walaupun makna keduanya sebenarnya berbeda.

Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan tadi, mari kita diskusikan penggunaan kedua kata ini dulu. Dan kalau nantinya masih bingung, tips (cara yang biasa saya gunakan) di bagian akhir posting ini diharapkan bisa membantu anda keluar dari confusion.


Beside adalah sebuah preposition (kata depan), yang artinya = di samping (di sebelah kanan atau kiri). Karena sebagai preposition, beside selalu diikuti oleh noun atau oleh pronoun:



  1. I could hear my heart beats when I sat right beside her. (Aku dapat mendengar detak jantungku ketika aku duduk tepat di sampingnya).
  2. I know Andi very well because his house is beside mine. (Aku kenal Andi dengan sangat baik karena rumahnya di samping rumahku).
  3. His car is parked beside the red car over there. (Mobilnya terparkir di samping mobil merah yang disana itu).


Besides bisa berfungsi sebagai adverb dan sebagai preposition.

a. Sebagai adverb

Sebagai adverb, besides dapat diletakkan di awal, di tengah atau di akhir clause. Namun demikian, besides pada umumnya diletakkan di awal clause :


Di sini, besides (= disamping itu) maknanya sama dengan furthermore, moreover, in addition, atau also. Biasanya digunakan untuk menambahkan apa yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya. Olehnya itu, besides juga disebut connecting adverb.


  1. I will teach English tomorrow. Besides, I will go for a meeting tomorrow. (Aku akan mengajar Bahasa Inggris besok. Disamping itu, aku (juga) akan pergi meeting besok.)
  2. Agnes Monica is a great singer. Besides, she is a very good actress. (Agnes Monica adalah seorang penyanyi hebat. Disamping itu, dia (juga) seorang artis yang hebat.)

b. Sebagai preposition.



  1. Besides a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  2. Besides Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).

Kalau diikuti oleh verb, maka verb tersebut harus dalam bentuk verb-ing (gerund).

  • BESIDES + VERB-ING… (Aktif)
  • BESIDES + BEING VERB3… (Pasif)


  1. Besides having a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  2. Besides seeing Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
  3. Besides teaching English, I will go for a meeting tomorrow. (Disamping ngajar Bahasa Inggris, aku akan pergi meeting besok).
  4. Besides being fertilized, plants should be watered regularly. (Disamping dipupuk, tanaman (juga) semestinya disiram secara reguler).
  5. Besides being called a Paradise Island, Bali is called the Island of the Thousand Temples. (Disamping disebut Pulau Surga, Bali (juga) disebut Pulau Ribuan Pura).

Sebagai preposition, besides adalah sinonim dari in addition to dan except (= kecuali). Besides di contoh kalimat di atas dapat digantikan dengan in addition to.

  1. In addition to a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  2. In addition to Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
  3. In addition to having a cat, she has a poodle. (Disamping (punya) seekor kucing, dia (juga) punya seekor anjing poodle).
  4. In addition to seeing Anita, Bebeto is seeing someone else. (Disamping (pacaran dengan) Anita, Bebeto (juga) pacaran dengan cewek lain).
  5. In addition to teaching English, I will go for a meeting tomorrow. (Disamping ngajar Bahasa Inggris, aku akan pergi meeting besok).
  6. In addition to being fertilized, plants should be watered regularly. (Disamping dipupuk, tanaman (juga) semestinya disiram secara reguler).
  7. In addition to being called a Paradise Island, Bali is called the Island of the Thousand Temples. (Disamping disebut Pulau Surga, Bali (juga) disebut Pulau ribuan pura).

Sedangkan di contoh berikut, besides dapat digantikan dengan except.

  1. There was no body at your house yesterday besides your house keeper = There was no body at your house yesterday except your house keeper. (Tidak ada orang di rumahmu kemarin selain/kecuali pembantumu).
  2. Besides those three courses, I have taken all the other courses = Except those three courses, I have taken all the other courses. (Selain ketiga matakuliah itu, aku telah mengambil (lulus) semua matakuliah lainnya).

NOTE: Kalimat di atas tentu saja dapat diputar menjadi:

  • She has a poodle besides a cat. (Dia punya seekor anjing poodle disamping (punya) seekor kucing).
  • She has a poodle besides having a cat. (Dia punya seekor anjing poodle disamping punya seekor kucing). Dan seterusnya.

Tips agar tidak bingung lagi

Dari contoh di atas kita lihat bahwa perbedaan baik dari segi penggunaan maupun dari segi makna dari kedua kata ini sebenarnya cukup jelas. Beside digunakan untuk mengekspresikan letak, sedangkan besides digunakan untuk memberi informasi tambahan. Namun, karena kemiripan kata dan translasinya, sering kita salah dalam penggunaannya. Maksud hati untuk mengekspresikan letak, kita gunakan besides; Sebaliknya, maksud hati untuk memberi informasi tambahan tapi kita tuliskan beside.

Untuk menghindari kesalahan ini, saya berpatokan pada besides:

  • Jangan terjemahkan besides menjadi “disamping” atau “disamping itu”! Terjemahkanlah besides menjadi “selain” atau “selain itu“.
  • Kemudian, anggap huruf s di besides tersebut sebagai singkatan dari “selain” atau “selain itu“, dan sebagai singkatan dari sambung (kata sambung) karena besides juga disebut conjunction (atau tepatnya: connecting adverb), bukan?


Interest vs Interested vs Interesting

Interest adalah sebuah verb (interest, interested, interested), yang berarti “menarik perhatian, menarik hati atau membuat tertarik“. Selain sebagai verb, interest juga sebuah noun yang berarti minat, suku bunga bank, dan atas nama. Untuk menjadikannya sebagai adjective, bule menggunakan bentuk verb3 atau past participle dari interest (yaitu: interested) dan bentuk present participle dari interest (yaitu: interesting), yang berturut-turut berarti tertarik dan menarik. Lalu, dapatkah kita menggunakannya sebagai adverb? Yes. Di sini kita hanya perlu menambahkan –ly ke adjective tadi sehingga menjadi interestedly (= dengan tertarik(nya)) dan interestingly (= dengan menarik; menariknya)।

Sekarang saya punya kalimat begini: “Kebanyakan petani Indonesia masih menggunakan kerbau atau sapi untuk menarik bajak.” My question is benarkah kalau kalimat ini ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris menjadi, “Most of Indonesian farmers still use buffaloes or cows for interesting a plow.”?

Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan ini, mari kita diskusikan dulu penggunaan interest, interested, interesting, interestedly, dan interestingly.

A. Interest sebagai verb.

Pola penggunaan verb interest tidak berbeda dengan pola penggunaan verb lainnya, yaitu:

S + V + O

And of course, bentuk verb-nya harus disesuaikan dengan tensis yang digunakan.


  1. Does that picture interest you? (Apakah foto itu menarik perhatianmu?).
  2. Yes, it does interest me. In fact, it had interested me before you saw it. (Ya, foto itu menarik perhatianku. Sebenarnya, foto itu telah menarik perhatianku sebelum kamu melihatnya).
  3. Does your project interest him? (Apakah proyekmu menarik perhatiannya?)
  4. No, my project does not interest him (Tidak, proyekku tidak menarik perhatiannya).
  5. When I was a senior high student, a girl in my class interested me deeply. (Ketika aku seorang murid SMA, seorang cewek di kelasku sangat menarik hatiku).

B. Interest sebagai noun.

Seperti disinggung sebelumnya, interest juga merupakan sebuah noun, yang berarti minat, bunga bank dan atas nama. Posisinya bisa sebagai subject maupun object kalimat, berturut-turut dengan mengikuti phrase berikut,

Interest + in/of + noun/pronoun

Interest + rate atau rate of interest

In the interest(s) of + noun/pronoun


  • Noun di phrase 1 adalah optional. Kalau interest diikuti oleh noun maka dibutuhkan preposision in atau of. Kalau diikuti oleh verb, maka verb-nya dalam bentuk gerund. Sebaliknya, kalau tidak diikuti oleh noun, preposition in atau of tidak diperlukan.
  • Interest di phrase 2 umumnya difungsikan sebagai adjective.
  • In the interest(s) of di phrase 3 bermakna sama dengan “on behalf of”.


  1. Do you have any interest in investing your money in our project?. (Apakah anda punya minat untuk menginvestasikan uang anda di proyek kami?)
  2. Sorry, I don’t have any interest. (Maaf, aku tidak punya minat (untuk menginvestasikan uangku di proyek anda)).
  3. Interest of people in visiting our blog increases steadily. (Minat orang untuk mengunjungi blog kami terus meningkat).
  4. When the interest rate rises, more people will save their money in the banks. (Ketika suku bunga naik, lebih banyak orang yang akan nabung uangnya di bank).
  5. In the interests of all Indonesian people, we strongly demand that the government eradicate all types of corruptions taking place in Indonesia. (Atas nama semua penduduk Indonesia, kami dengan keras menuntut bahwa pemerintah (harus) memberantas semua tipe korupsi yang terjadi di Indonesia).

C. Interested vs Interesting

Terjemahan langsung kalimat-kalimat di poin A terasa janggal bukan? Yes. Sebenarnya, interest sebagai verb tidak begitu sering digunakan. Yang lebih umum digunakan adalah bentuk verb3 (interested) dan bentuk present participle (interesting), yang masing-masing mengikuti pola sbb:

S + be + interested in + noun

S + be + interesting noun


  • Noun di kedua pola ini adalah optional.
  • Jika interested diikuti oleh noun maka dibutuhkan preposision in.
  • Jika in diikuti oleh verb, verb tersebut harus dalam bentuk gerund.
  • Kapan kita gunakan bentuk verb3 dan kapan kita gunakan bentuk verb-ing dapat anda baca di topik Penggunaan Verbs sebagai Adjectives.


  1. Is that picture interesting? (Apakah foto itu menarik?).
  2. Yes, it is very interesting. (Ya, foto itu sangat menarik).
  3. Are you interested in investing your money in our project?. (Apakah anda tertarik untuk menginvestasikan uang anda di proyek kami?)
  4. Sorry, I am not interested. (Maaf, aku tidak tertarik).
  5. When I was a senior high student, I was deeply interested in a girl in my class. Do you know why? It’s because she was a very interesting girl. (Ketika aku seorang siswa SMA, aku sangat tertarik pada seorang cewek di kelasku. Tahu kenapa? Karena dia seorang cewek yang sangat menarik).

D. Interestedly vs Interestingly.

Fungsi adverb adalah untuk menerangkan verb, bukan? Yes, begitu pula interestedly dan interestingly.


  1. We all have probably known that Ryan is gay. Interestingly, he is planning to marry a lady named Ely Winarya. (Kita semua barangkali telah tahu bahwa Ryan adalah gay. Menariknya, dia sedang berencana untuk mengawini seorang wanita yang bernama Ely Winarya )
  2. Our mother tongue is Indonesian. Interestingly, students’ average grade for the Indonesian language course was lower than that of the English course. (Bahasa ibu kita adalah Bahasa Indonesia. Menariknya, nilai rata-rata siswa untuk pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia adalah lebih rendah daripada nilai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris).
  3. When the news on TV said that a lot of fish fell from the sky, we looked at the TV screen very interestedly. (Ketika berita di TV bilang banyak ikan berjatuhan dari langit, kami melihat layar TV dengan sangat tertarik(nya).

Dan berikut adalah beberapa quotes yang saya peroleh di internet,

  • Interestingly that some of the characters did not turn out the way Jim and Allen had envisioned them. Mary Tyler Moore
  • Interestingly, koi, when put in a fish bowl, will only grow up to three inches. When this same fish is placed in a large tank, it will grow to about nine inches long. Vince Poscente
  • Interestingly, songs used to be short, then they became longer, and now they’re getting shorter. Casey Kasem
  • Interestingly, the American Embassy mentioned that our efficient relief effort has significantly improved the image of the United States among the Pakistani people. Jon Porter
  • Interestingly, the best way to promote intimacy is to demand it. George Weinberg
  • Interestingly, the oil companies know very well that in less than 30 years they will not only be charging very high prices, but that they will be uncompetitive with renewables. Paul Hawken
  • Interestingly, young people don’t come to you for advice. Especially the ones who are related to you. Meryl Streep
  • It’s too bad that one has to conceive of sports as being the only arena where risks are, for all of life is risk exercise. That’s the only way to live more freely, and more interestingly. William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
  • Now my mother, interestingly enough, was not a feminist in her own mind. Elizabeth Moon
  • Translation is an interestingly different way to be involved both with poetry and with the language that I’ve found myself living in much of the time. I think the two feed each other. Marilyn हसकर। http://swarabhaskara.com/

16 Tensis dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengungkapan suatu kejadian/aktivitas atau fakta baik melalui tulisan (writing) maupun percakapan (speaking) pada umumnya mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:

Subject + Verb/Predicate + Object + Modifier

Dalam bahasa Inggris, pengungkapan kejadian/aktivitas atau fakta tersebut selalu berpatokan pada tensis. Dengan tensis, pembaca atau pendengar akan mengetahui kapan kejadian/aktivitas atau fakta tersebut terjadi; Apakah sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang (present continuous tense), apakah terjadi di masa lampau (past tense), apakah sedang berlangsung di masa lampau (past continuous tense), apakah akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang (future tense), dan seterusnya.

Ada 16 tensis dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

  1. Simple present tense
  2. Present continuous tense
  3. Simple past tense
  4. Past continuous tense
  5. Present perfect tense
  6. Present perfect continuous tense
  7. Past perfect tense
  8. Past perfect continuous tense
  9. Simple future tense
  10. Future continuous tense
  11. Future perfect tense
  12. Future perfect continuous tense
  13. Past future tense
  14. Past future continuous tense
  15. Past future perfect tense
  16. Past future perfect continuous tense

Pada tabel di bawah secara berturut-turut diberikan contoh untuk tiap-tiap tensis. Perhatikan perubahan verb atau verb phrase seiring dengan berubahnya keterangan waktu.

are studying
last night.
were studying
when she came last night.
have studied
for 3 hours.
have been studying
for 3 hours.
had studied
for 3 hours when she came last night.
had been studying
for 3 hours when she came last night.
will study
will be studying
when she comes tomorrow.
will have studied
for 3 hours when she comes tomorrow.
will have been studying
for 3 hours when she comes tomorrow.
would study
when she came last night.
would be studying
when she came last night.
would have studied
for 3 hours when she came last night.
would have been studying
for 3 hours when she came last night.
Note: Khusus untuk contoh 5&6, 7&8, 11&12, dan 15&16 keterangan waktunya sama।

Learning Spanish - Discover An Efficient Way To Learn Spanish

The Internet is the best way to learn Spanish. People all over the world are taking advantage of learning different languages, continuing their education and various other ways of improving themselves using the Internet. Using the Internet to learn Spanish is very easy. There are many online courses where you can learn the basics of Spanish.

If you would like to it up learn quickly then pursuing it online is the best way. You can choose from a variety of online courses and download all the course material and burn it on to a CD then play the CD whenever you have the time to study the new language. When learning Spanish this way it's interactive and you will be able to track your progress everyday.

Facts About Spanish

Did you know that almost 415 million people around the world speak Spanish? This is an astonishing number to imagine. In the United States alone, there are about 28 million people that speak Spanish in their home. There are about 47 million people in the United States that speak another language other than English at home. This means that over half of the foreign languages spoken at home in America is Spanish! It is clearly spoken by more people than all of the other languages combined inside the United States.

Why Would Learning Spanish Benefit You?

There are numerous reasons why learning Spanish would benefit you। They would benefit you because: you may want to get a better paying job, you may need extra learning to get a better grade in school, or you might be interested in visiting a Spanish speaking country. Regardless of the reason Spanish is becoming more and more prevalent in the world.
If you don't want to buy an online course then go to an online bookstore and purchase books, dvds or even audio cd's which is also one of the best ways to pick it up.

If you do decide that learning online is the best way for you to pick up the new language then make sure the online course has a money back guarantee and choose a course that will allow a trial period to make sure this is the best way for you to learn Spanish. Most of the time the only way you can tell if an online course is going to suit your needs is by trying it first.

No matter which way you decide to learn Spanish you need to make sure you have the time set aside where you can practice your Spanish। You need to have a lot of persistence and determination to learn Spanish thoroughly। Practice is the most important factor when learning any new language. In addition try to have conversations in Spanish and use your skills as much as you can. Buy books that are written in the language to see how well you are learning. If you have a problem with any word or phrase, you can always refer to your Spanish course material. Eventually you will start to think in in the new language. Then you will know for sure that you are making significant progress in learning spanish.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

How to Win More From the Casinos

It may be for the excitement, it may be for a vacation but it is the dream of going home a big winner that keeps us going back to the casinos, but are there ways other then cheating that can help you take home more cash? The answer is yes.

Believe it or not gambling at on online casino is a great way to gain experience so that you can win some big money in the casinos.

May online casinos besides having games as low as 50 cents, also have practice rooms that are free. You are given some play money to make your bets, but no real money is exchanged.
These practice rooms are available for most of the different casino games like poker, blackjack, roulette and baccarat.

This is a great way to gain experience. Not only do you get to play, you also get the experience of playing against other people instead of a computer. This allows you to learn how to watch their betting habits to look for patterns. This may not be so important in a game like roulette or craps but in poker this is almost as important as the cards you are dealt.

These patters are called tells. A tell is when someone gives away their hand by an involuntary action.

Some common tells are the way players arrange their cards, or playing with their chips when they have a good hand, or rubbing their face when they are bluffing

In a practice poker room you also get the experience of learning how to watch your money, without losing your shirt when you make a mistake, which will happen at first।

On of the biggest problems with learning to gamble in a casino is that the dealer and the other players are not forgiving. By this I mean let's say you are playing roulette, a first time player may not know that until all winnings are placed on the table you may not take your winnings. Getting a warning from the dealer the first time you play can be embarrassing and unnerving to a new player.

So by playing in an online casino at first you will learn the rules, procedures and the etiquette for playing in a land based casino.

If poker is your game it is a little different, most games depend on luck and all you really need to know if the basics, but poker is totally different because you are playing against other layers that know all this information already. when you feel confident enough then go to the casino and find the game you want to play and spend some time watching the other players. You want to find a table where all the players are less skilled then you. This will give you the edge, but make sure you watch carefully. Many times players will do things to make themselves look worse then they really are to give the other players a false confidence.

Then as you see yourself getting better and better you can move up to higher stakes tables and against better players.

Once you get confident and see your skills increase so will your bank account.

Classic Television DVDs Bring Rodney Dangerfield Back to the Small Screen

Classic Television DVDs Bring Rodney Dangerfield Back to the Small Screen

He was recognized by his trademark phrase - "I don't get no respect."

Born on November 22, 1921 in Babylon, New York, Rodney Dangerfield began writing jokes at age 15 and performing his comedy by his late teens. For ten years, he struggled as a stand up comedian and worked as a singing waiter to make ends meet. When his comedy career failed to really take off, Dangerfield, who had been working in entertainment as Jack Roy, left show business for a regular job. He spent the 1950's selling aluminum siding in New Jersey while supporting his first wife and two children.

He took another chance at show business after his divorce in 1961 and became known for the rest of his life as Rodney Dangerfield. By this time, he was approaching his fortieth birthday. His big break came when he appeared as a guest on "The Ed Sullivan Show." He did what few people were able to do – he made Ed Sullivan laugh. During the 1960's he made the rounds of many of the most popular variety shows. He performed his standup on "The Joey Bishop Show," "The Merv Griffin Show" and "The Jackie Gleason Show." In 1969 he made his first of 35 appearances on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson." In addition to his gigs on television, he spent his time making the rounds of comedy clubs throughout the country.

In 1969, the comedian opened his own standup comedy club, Dangerfield's in New York City. From its inception, it has been one of the most popular comedy clubs in America, receiving rave reviews by top newspapers and entertainment guides. Since Dangerfield's opened its doors almost 40 years ago it has seen the likes of Jay Leno, Jim Carey, Chris Rock, Andrew Dice Clay, Tim Allen and Jerry Seinfeld grace its stage. Many of the comedy club's biggest draws find themselves as guests on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" or "Late Night With David Letterman."

Having cemented his place in stand up comedy history, Dangerfield turned his attention to acting. He had his first movie role in the 1971 film The Projectionist and had a role on the television show "Benny and Barney: Las Vegas Undercover" later in the decade. The acting roles came slowly but in 1980 he landed a role that made him a household name. He starred as the obnoxious real estate developer Al Czervik in the comedy smash Caddy Shack. Suddenly people who didn't know much about comedians knew all about Rodney Dangerfield.

He followed Caddy Shack with two other 1980's comedies, Easy Money and Back To School. In 1991, he made the animated movie Rover Dangerfield, the story of a dog that gets no respect. Throughout his career, his line about getting no respect was his trademark.

Dangerfield branched out into a serious role next. He played the abusive father to Juliette Lewis' character in the controversial film Natural Born Killers. It has been reported that Dangerfield was allowed to write his own lines for the role. This was to be his only serious film role. He followed it with more comedies like Meet Wally Sparks and The Godson. In 2000, the almost 80-year-old comedian starred alongside Adam Sandler in Little Nicky.

His very last acting role was that of God in 2005's Angels with Angels. It was released posthumously. Dangerfield died on October 5, 2004. He had fallen into a coma after heart surgery and never regained consciousness. His tombstone reflects his comedy. It reads "Rodney Dangerfield – There Goes the Neighborhood."

His comedy career spanned over 60 years. In addition to all of his stage and screen accomplishments during those years, he also won two awards for his achievements. In 1981 he won a Grammy Award for his comedy recording titled No Respect. In 1995 the American Comedy Awards honored him with a Creative Achievement Award.

One of his lesser-known achievements was that he was the first entertainment personality to have his own website. In 1995 he created Rodney.com, which is still in existence today.

During Rodney Dangerfield's career he had success on the comedy stage, in film, and on the television. He gave countless other comedians the chance to show their stuff on the stage at his own comedy club. His trademark line, "I don't get no respect" will forever be associated with the comedian who in spite of his onstage persona was loved and respected by millions of fans.

~Ben Anton, 2007

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Teknologi saat ini sangat memegang peran penting। Betapa tidak, semua kebutuhan manusia perlahan mulai terpenuhi dengan adanya teknologi. bicara soal teknologi, belum lengkap tanpa mengulas teknologi terbaru besutan dari Apple.

ipad apple

Kita sedikit mengupas tentang spesifikasi dari Apple iPad ini.

Height:9.56 inches (242.8 mm)
Width:7.47 inches (189.7 mm)
Depth:0.5 inch (13.4 mm)
Weight:1.5 pounds (0.68 kg) Wi-Fi model;1.6 pounds (0.73 kg) Wi-Fi + 3G model


* 9.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology
* 1024-by-768-pixel resolution at 132 pixels per inch (ppi)
* Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating
* Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously

Batt and Power:

* Built-in 25 Whr rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
* Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi-Fi, watching video, or listening to music
* Charging via power adapter or USB to computer system

Audio Playback:

* Frequency response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz
* Audio formats supported: AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV
* User-configurable maximum volume limit

Wireless and Cellular:

Wi-Fi model

* Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
* Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology

Wi-Fi + 3G model
* UMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
* GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
* Data only2
* Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)
* Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology

* Wi-Fi
* Digital compass
* Assisted GPS (Wi-Fi + 3G model)
* Cellular (Wi-Fi + 3G model)

TV and Video:
* Support for 1024 by 768 pixels with Dock Connector to VGA Adapter; 576p and 480p with Apple Component AV Cable; 576i and 480i with Apple Composite Cable
* H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats

System Requirement:
* Mac computer with USB 2.0 port
* Mac OS X v10.5.8 or later
* iTunes 9.0 or later (free download from www.itunes.com/download)
* iTunes Store account
* Internet access

Mail Attachment Support: Viewable document types: .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel)


* Language support for English, French, German, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Russian
* Keyboard support for English (U.S.) English (UK), French (France, Canada), German, Japanese (QWERTY), Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese (Handwriting and Pinyin), Russian
* Dictionary support for English (U.S.), English (UK), French, French (Canadian), French (Swiss), German, Japanese, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese (Handwriting and Pinyin), Russian


* Support for playback of closed-captioned content
* VoiceOver screen reader
* Full-screen zoom magnification
* White on black display
* Mono audio

Envi Requirement:

* Operating temperature: 32° to 95° F (0° to 35° C)
* Nonoperating temperature: -4° to 113° F (-20° to 45° C)
* Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing
* Maximum operating altitude: 10,000 feet (3000 m)

In The Box:

* iPad
* Dock Connector to USB Cable
* 10W USB Power Adapter
* Documentation

Apple iPad tidak mempunyai fitur kamera dan kemampuannya kurang ketika pengguna ingin menggunakan telepon. Gadget ini juga tidak bisa digunakan bekerja dengan perangkat lunak flash. Apple melengkapi dagangan terbarunya kali ini dengan asesoris penegak (stand) dan papan tombol jari.

Jobs memposisikan iPad sebagai gadget persambungan antara sebuah laptop dan ponsel pintar। Namun ini mempunyai fungsi lebih bagus dibandingkan kedua gadget di atas, seperti ketika berselancar di web, membaca buku elektronik, dan menayangkan video.

Ipad apple saat ini menjadi tren gadget yang sangat digemari. Inovasi yang sangat brilian Apple.

Jumat, 01 April 2011


Kebayang ngak sih punya rumah super mewah????
mungkin ngak ya??? kalo buat kita - kita sihh, nunggu mujizat dan rejeki dari yang di atas kali yaaa, hehehehe

Tapi kalo buat para hollywoods, itu hal yang biasa.....

Ini dia daftar rumah - rumah mewah para artis hollywood, check this out......

Will Smith (US$ 20 juta)

Aktor kulit hitam ini rela mengeluarkan sekitar Rp 200 miliar untuk merenovasi sebuah bangunan kastil di Calabasas, California. Hunian dengan kode pos khusus itu dilengkapi danau pribadi, lapangan basket, dan lapangan tenis.

Wajar jika ia memiliki rumah semegah itu. Majalah Fobes baru saja menobatkannya sebagai salah satu selebriti terkaya di dunia dengan kekayaan senilai Rp 413 miliar.

Halle Berry (US$ 8 juta)

Ia rela mengeluarkan Rp 80 miliar untuk membangun hunian di pesisir pantai Malibu. Hampir seluruh jendela rumah ini menghadap ke arah pantai.

Britney Spears (US$ 7,9 juta)

Penyanyi pop dunia ini memiliki sebuah rumah seharga hampir Rp 80 miliar di Los Angeles. Ia menempati rumah seluas 700 meter persegi yang dilengkapi enam kamar tidur dan enam kamar mandi itu bersama anaknya.

Ryan Seacrest (US$ 11,5 juta)

Presennter ‘American Idol’ ini mengambil alih kediaman Kevin Costner seharga hampir Rp 115 miliar. Hunian seluas 929 meter persegi ini memiliki lima kamar tidur, ruang multimedia, ruang billiar, area fitnes, kolam renang, dan tempat spa.

Sandra Bullock (US$ 1 juta)

Peraih Oscar itu memiliki rumah indah di kawasan Pulau Tybee ini sejak 2001 dengan menebusnya seharga hampir Rp 10 miliar. Memang tak terlalu mahal jika dibandingkan dengan kediaman selebriti Hollywood lainnya. Namun, tempat peristirahatan tiga lantai ini menawarkan perlindungan privacy yang cukup buatnya.

Avril Lavigne (US$ 4 juta)

Bersama suaminya, ia menghuni kediaman mewah senilai hampir Rp 40 miliar. Rumah bergaya Italia itu berlokasi di kawasan elit Beverly Hills. Pasangan ini memang sangat menyukai rumah dengan gaya Italia. Saat bulan madu, mereka menyewa villa mewah milik George Clooney di Italia.

Eddie Murphy (US$ 20 juta)

Ia membangun villa senlai Rp 200 miliar di kawasan elit Beverly Hills 90210 pada tahun 2005.

two thumbz up the buat mereka,,,,,
kapan giliran kita yaaaa???
ngarep.com, hehehehehe